Author Archives: Glenn

  1. 11 Mistakes you make while caring for your facial skin (Part 2)

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    Welcome to part 2 of the face care series. Last time we covered how sun affect skins, skins cleansing, eye cream, and putting unnecessary stress on our faces.

    6. Using day cream instead of night cream
    Day and night creams have a completely different purpose. Day Cream is for the purpose of protecting and moisturizing. It moisturizes and protects against the hardships of the day such as UV rays, dust, pollution and other similar things. Our skin regenerates at night, so everything that the skin requires is therefore contained in a night cream. Night cream should be used after the age of 25.

    7. All too often or too rarely using skin scrub (peeling).
    Always consult a specialist on how often and how you should use a skin peeling scrub. After skin analysis, the beautician will recommend where to use and where to avoid using scrub (eg. avoiding areas with Cuperosis). If your skin is oily then scrub shouldn’t be used very often, and if you have dry skin then you should use a lighter scrub.

    It was the case with my daughter, who decided to use peeling scrub every day, because the skin was very oily. After the doing this she noticed that her skin became more oily. It should be understood that our skin emits oil to protect itself. Sometimes the skin doesn’t understand what’s happening, so if you try to remove more oil then the skin simply emits more oil. So here your beautician should be your adviser.

    8. We avoid foundation.
    For most people foundation is associated with the rest of your makeup kit. Now the market has created a lot of foundations, which after applying actually look natural. They have very soft and natural shades. The purpose of foundation – in addition to being makeup – is to hydrate the skin and foremost to protect against UV rays and environmental pollution.

    Foundation is like skin for your skin, it protects and hydrates. It doesn’t allow the dirt and dust to penetrate your skin, and then in the evening you can wash away all of the dirt and dust with the foundation revealing your natural protected skin.

    9. Insufficient sleep and lack of water.
    Like I mentioned before, during the night your skin regenerates. Long “night life” takes away from you the greatest feature of sleep which is the replenishing and regeneration aspect. What happens by nature to the skin from around 11pm until 3am cannot be replaced by even the most expensive creams!

    We all know that proper hydration greatly benefits the skin. The skin begins to fade and crease when it lacks moisture. It’s best compared to grapes and raisins, with the hydrated grapes being plush and full, and then raisins wrinkled and dry.

    10. Perfume.
    We naturally like nice scents because it brings nice memories and it feels nice to smell good. When choosing face cosmetics, you should look for those with neutral or very gentle scents, which are non-irritating. The objective of these cosmetics isn’t for smell, we can add Perfume later. The most prominent cosmetic companies spend millions developing less fragrant cosmetics to avoid any further irritation or allergic reactions.

    Some good advice would be to use just one cosmetic company’s products and not to mix several different companies. Sometimes if you mix brands it can result in an allergic reaction.

    11. Bad habits
    The biggest enemies to your skin are alcohol, smoking, hot water, hand washing soap, tanning beds, sunbathing without protection, frequent temperature changes, and poor diet. We are not always in control of what we expose ourselves to (e.g. computer work, work in hot or cold stores). In such cases you should take extra care of your skin by using serums, masks, and even hydrating your skin by spraying it with water.

    Although you can’t avoid all damage, if you follow these guides then you can at least slow the damage and have nice skin for longer!

    Good luck to all.

  2. 11 Mistakes you make while caring for your facial skin (Part 1)

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    Hello Ladies.

    Today I will discuss with you the greatest mistakes – in my opinion – that people make when caring for their facial skin. You might think that some of these aren’t important but trust me when I say that all of them are. At the end of the day we all want beautiful skin, but it does require effort no matter how big or small. You might not agree with some of these but in the end it’s up to you.

    1) Sun

    Who doesn’t like to indulge in a good sun bathe? Of course you don’t want to miss those sunny days but let’s find out how to avoid the damage that can be caused by the Sun.

    Using sun protection with the highest index is the best place to start, along with using hats, umbrellas and not staying in the sun during the hottest and most focused hours (around mid-day). While you’re young and living fast you might not immediately feel the consequences of being in the Sun. However, as you get older you’ll see the results of sun exposure in pigmentation spots, early wrinkles and dry skin. It’s no mistake that 80% of the time the Sun causes the first signs of premature aging – and that’s scientifically proven.

    Spectrum A of ultraviolet light enters the connective tissues which is where it starts to have a serious effect on the collagen, resulting in the skin starting to look dry and old. Spectrum B of ultraviolet light is usually the cause of sunburn and can provoke skin cancer. Additionally UV light violates a thin film of water at the skin’s surface layer which destroys a protective layer of cells. So it’s something to think about!

    2) Not enough attention is paid to cleaning the skin

    The majority of this mistake is assuming that you just need to wash your face with water. In order to correctly wash your face you need to pick the correct cleanser according to your skin type. Depending on whether you have dry or oily skin you’ll need a different product.

    With oily skin, washing your face is already a good thing because its regulating the excess oil and fats. On the flip-side, dry skin cleanser is designed to not let it dry out even more. Never use a tonic as a cleanser, that’s just for after cleaning and before moisturising.

    While cleaning makeup from your eyes and lips you must use a different cleanser because the skin around these parts is much thinner and more sensitive. There are special products designed just for these parts which are softer on the skin. You use these by placing the special cleanser on a cotton swab and gently holding it to the eyes or lips for a few seconds for it to loosen the mascara or lipstick. Make sure you don’t rub the skin around the lips and eyes because they are sensitive!

    3) Skipping morning or evening face washes

    Washing your face in the evening is more or less obvious as you clearly feel that your face is dirty because of makeup and you need to wash it off. Whilst evening face washing is obvious, most people don’t cleanse their face in the morning.

    It’s important to wash your face in the morning because over the night your face secretes oils which need to be cleaned before putting face cream on. For example you wouldn’t put shoe polish on shoes which are caked in mud would you? Therefore face creams should be treated the same way.

    Ensuring that face creams only get applied to a clean face prevents a layer of dirt from accumulating and improves the cream’s absorption ability which allows it to do it’s job properly.

    4) Eye cream

    The skin around the eyes is very different in thickness and structure compared to the rest of the face. Eye skin is very thin and dry because of the lack of sebaceous glands, consequently this area needs extra special care.

    Don’t we all worry about getting wrinkles around the eyes? To prevent premature wrinkles, eye cream should be applied in the morning and evening from the age of 20 onwards.

    5) We warp our faces with grimaces and “unloving” expressions!

    How does your face look when you apply mascara? Let me guess. Wide open mouth? Guess what? That dumb looking, wide opened mouth look not only looks ugly but it also doesn’t affect the area you’re hoping it to effect either!

    Opening your mouth wide doesn’t stretch the area by your eye where you’re applying mascara. Smooching your cheeks doesn’t improve the spreadability of your foundation. However, what it does do is it earns you extra wrinkles over time!

    Apply your creams and makeups with a smile and relaxed face while using light movements. The products will go where they need to go without pushing it into your face!

    End of Part 1

    That’s first 5 of 11 tips. Come back in a few days for the remaining 6. Until then take care of your skin and have a nice day!


  3. The habits you need for long-lasting beautiful skin

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    Hi ladies,

    So summer has ended and now we all return back to normal life – what a shame! Perhaps over this time we’ve allowed ourselves to relax, be a bit lazy, and paid less attention to our normal beauty routines, instead just enjoying the glorious sun. In today’s article I want to talk about how to keep and build on habits which help you to maintain youthful and glowing skin – even if you think you don’t have the time!

    The most basic habit is to keep a positive attitude. Sometimes I hear women say: “I’m still young, I have children, I do not have time to really take care of myself. It doesn’t matter though because when I get older I’ll just inject botox, use wrinkle cures and all will be well.” This is the biggest mistake in my opinion.

    It’s never too late to start looking after your skin, but I want to remind you that beginning to treat the skin as early as possible will result in longer lasting beauty and it will require less investment in the future than the costly procedures to remove wrinkles and such later in life.

    Did you know that Leather matures in just 25 years? On average, from age 25 your skin begins to age too. It seems that you might have only just finished the fight with youthful acne and oily skin, yet now it’s time to moisturise and nourish your skin, because the aging process has started (blame mother nature!).

    In aging the skin loses elasticity, wrinkles begin to appear, and additionally pigmented spots form. This process can not be stopped, but the acquisition of good habits, maintaining and nurturing the skin can keep it glowing and beautiful for a very long time.

    So if you want beautiful skin you must accept the requirement of skin care routines in the same way as you accept brushing your teeth every day. At first it may bother you and you’ll probably find yourself a lot of excuses: “I’m too tired”, “nothing will happen if I don’t wash my make-up off before sleep tonight”, etc.

    Here are a few tips to help you out:

    • Put on the bathroom shelf eye makeup remover, cleanser, toner and day cream. When you see them all there it’ll remind you that you MUST apply them daily!
    • On the bedside cabinet have some eye and night creams so you can complete the daily beauty routine just before bed. It will take no more than 2 minutes to do, yet just this habit will ensure your enjoyment of long lasting beautiful skin.
    • Finally, keep your positive attitude! Know that if you stick to these habits you will keep your skin looking younger for longer.

    Afterall, don’t we all wish that when we’re older ladies, we can look in the mirror and mutter to ourselves “Damn! you look good!” 🙂

    Today I started with what is most important, in my upcoming blog articles I will be talking about more in-depth and step-by-step skincare routines as well as what skin care products you should use depending on age and the time of year. I’ll also talk about the most commonly made mistakes, the benefits that each facial care product gives to our skin and how not to get lost in the confusing maze of products offered by the cosmetics industry! Be sure to check back soon for those!

    I hope you enjoyed the information this time, have a lovely day!


  4. Waxing isn’t as scary as you think!

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    I wanted to share some more thoughts about waxing with you. This time, a combination of my thoughts along with feedback from my clients regarding different waxing procedures. I am pleased that waxing has solved many problems for my clients and now they certainly prefer waxing as opposed to shaving because of the long-term effects that it boasts.

    Legs, underarms, and face waxing

    Here’s what some of my clients have said so far:

    • I feel very feminine now with soft and smooth legs without the hair. It’s nice now to go to the beach, swimming pool, or when wearing a skirt or a dress.
    • I am not afraid to raise my arms, knowing that my armpits are smoothly waxed
    • It’s not as painful because the waxing is done quickly and with good wax
    • I don’t need to worry about hair regrowing after a couple of days as it does after shaving
    • Ingrown hairs are not a problem anymore as long as I use exfoliation and correct moisturisers after waxing

    Bikini Zone

    This is perhaps the most worrisome area for waxing. Most women are afraid of the pain, but the biggest problem is embarrassment because this is done in a very intimate place. It is certainly understandable though. Therefore, here are some tips and ideas for clients who are thinking about bikini waxing:

    To avoid additional pain, it should be remembered hair length plays an important role. The longer the hair, the more painful it will be. The ideal length of hair to be waxed is about 6 mm. I can also say that it is only the most uncomfortable and painful the first time. If you repeat the procedure regularly then it isn’t as painful each time, this is because the hairs grow back weaker and less dense.

    Regarding embarrassment – do you remember your first visit to the gynecologist? Did you survive? I bet that afterwards you were probably wondering what you were so worried about? It’s the same with bikini waxing! This procedure is only performed by a female therapist, and in fact she is actually trying to make it more of a comfortable and less embarrassing experience for you as possible. She understands very well how you feel!

    Here’s some of the things that my clients have said after their bikini waxing with me:

    • I chose bikini waxing because I’m fed up with the spots that come after shaving
    • I chose bikini waxing because I was fed up of the hair itching after every few days from shaving
    • It’s a wonderful and clean feeling after waxing
    • I had far less pain waxing than eyebrow threading 🙂
    • I’m not going to miss a treatment for more than one month, it feels beyond compare, and it’s not worth saving money by missing treatments to go back to shaving
    • ‘Mum, it’s time to do waxing,’ here’s my daughter’s words who a few months ago began to ‘allow’ treatment. Although before that she feared the pain and vowed that she would never have waxing done 🙂
    • The pain was less than I imagined

    So dear, if you want to try waxing but you’re prevented by the fear of it after hearing other people’s ‘horrific’ stories, then maybe it is worth finding out the truth for yourself? Then you’ll find it’s not so bad after all!

    All best wishes,


  5. 16 Things You Didn’t Know About The Benefits Of Massage

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    Massage is one of the special luxuries of life. Whilst it’s relaxing, it also helps to maintain a good physical and spiritual state. Did you know, however, that it does so much more? Let’s discover the many other ways that massage is beneficial to our body.


    Good massage removes dead cells from the surface of the skin, which allows it to be better supplied with oxygen, and it improves the sebaceous and sweat glands. After the massage the skin becomes soft and supple.

    Muscles and heart

    Massage increases efficiency and strengthens the muscles. In the massaged area the blood flow is accelerated which helps the body to feed the tissues. Massage not only affects the touched area, but beneath it many of the organs and body systems which are attached. Effective massage exposes both surface and deep blood vessels. It compresses and expands the vessels – which reduces arterial circulation resistance, and thus facilitates the work of the heart.

    Human psyche

    Relaxing massage helps to get rid of unpleasant thoughts. It is recommended as a natural remedy for insomnia, chronic fatigue, cachexia (weakness and wasting of the body due to severe chronic illness.

) Massage is an opportunity to rest, relax and strengthen your health.

    Lymphatic System

    A professional massage relaxes and stimulates lymphatic circulation. The lymphatic system is involved in the metabolism of body fluids, it maintains fluid balance between the tissues and blood. When massage is done properly it releases the accumulated lactic acids, fatty derivatives and toxins from the body.

    So in a nutshell, the 16 beneficial advantages of massage are:

    1. Strengthens tissue elasticity and durability of the joints
    2. Increases blood and lymph circulation
    3. Keeps skin youthful
    4. Gives the body energy
    5. It releases endorphins (natural painkillers, and it’s also the feel good hormone!)
    6. After weight loss from diets and exercises, massage can help to restore the body’s shape and also aids in the removal of fat layers just beneath the skin.
    7. Strengthens the back
    8. Increases production of red and white blood cells
    9. Enhances blood circulation
    10. Can reduce areas of pain a bit like anesthetic
    11. Relaxes tense muscles
    12. Normalizes blocked energy flow
    13. Strengthens the body’s immune system
    14. Restores peace and a sense of wellbeing, quietens anxieties
    15. Combines a stimulating effect on digestion and respiration systems
    16. Decreases cellulite

    Massage is most effective when performed during the daytime – from 8 am to 11 pm. At night the body is in sleep mode, and massage is like exercise to your body. So the positive effects of having a professional massage are reduced when performed at night.

    Before going to have a massage, it is advisable not to eat for 1.5 hours because the body is oriented towards the benefits of massage, but not in the digestion of food.

    Daiva offers many different massage therapies, if you would like to book an appointment please get in contact using the contact methods highlighted below.


    Have a nice day!



  6. How To Properly Prepare For Waxing

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    Waxing is a quick and efficient method of hair removal for your legs and bikini area. It’s the best way to ensure the slowest grow back time. This is because waxing actually removes all of the hair from the hair follicles deep down which causes them to take their time regrowing new hair.

    The procedure is a little painful, but afterwards the skin will become soft and lush. The hair takes about 4 or 5 weeks to grow back. This is a great method of hair removal before your holiday.

    For the best results we recommend the following before any waxing procedure:

    1. Exfoliate the skin that will be waxed using a good peeling scrub. This not only removes dead skin cells but it also gives you the best prevention against ingrowing hairs.
    2. The ideal hair removal length is 6mm. If the hair is strong, it is better to wait until it is about 1cm long. Don’t give in to the temptation to wax earlier if you just start to see new short hairs.
    3. When choosing a bikini waxing you should take account of your menstrual cycle because the body’s hormones and blood flow changes affects your tolerance to pain. The best time to wax is in the middle of your menstrual cycle, during ovulation itself.
    4. Choose a professional who is experienced with waxing. It avoids the risk of injuring your skin. Professionals may make it look easy, but by trying yourself at home you may just find that it’s not as easy as it looks and you might land yourself in big trouble!
    5. When you arrive for waxing make sure you wear comfortable and loose clothing that won’t irritate the freshly waxed skin.

    Waxing can irritate the skin, therefore here’s what you need to do afterwards:

    1. Avoid the sun for at least one day. Avoid saunas, and don’t have hot baths and showers for at least 24 hours after the procedure.
    2. A few hours after waxing, avoid contact with water and any soaps on waxed areas.
    3. Do not forget to hydrate the skin.
    4. 1-2 times a week use a peeling scrub (perfect ingrown hair prevention).

    Enjoy the sun and your holidays!

    All the best,

  7. How to de-stress? The answer is Indian head massage

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    Indian head massage is a treatment that is applied using the hands to the upper body, shoulders, upper arms, neck & head. Traditionally performed by Indian women who believed the massage promoted health and shiny hair growth. As the therapeutic effects of massage are becoming more popular in the western world, Indian head massage has become a popular treatment.

    Indian head massage is perfect for people who spend a long time in stationary positions, such as office workers and drivers. It is also very good for busy people who work a lot with a high levels of stress.

    Some of the many benefits of Indian head massage:

    • Relieves muscular tension due to the effective removal of waste and toxins from the area.
    • Improves the blood circulation therefore increasing the amount of nutrients and oxygen being delivered to the area and also assisting with the removal of carbon dioxide and waste.
    • Improves lymphatic drainage therefore assisting in the removal of waste and fluid retention ( oedema).
    • Stimulates or soothes the nerve endings depending on the movement applied.
    • Causes hyperaemia ( increase in blood flow), which has a warming effect on the body.
    • Due to the increase in circulation, cells receive nourishment, which increases cell division and improves their condition.
    • Aids desquamation and dandruff ( removal of dead skin cells).
    • The massage medium used will have specific effects on the skin, scalp and hair.
    • The sebaceous glands are stimulated and produce additional sebum which keeps the skin supple and protected.
    • Skin tone and elasticity is improved slightly.
    • Deeply relaxing which gives a feeling of well being.
    • Massage can also be invigorating which stimulates you and induces an energised feeling.
    • Increases joint mobility.
    • Oils, especially if left for a few hours or overnight , will condition the hair and the scalp.
    • Helps to improve mental concentration.
    • Eases tension in the jaw due to teeth grinding etc.
    • Eases symptoms of eyestrain, sinus congestion and headaches.
    • Encourages hair growth.
    • Improves respiration by encouraging deeper breathing.
    • Releases emotions.

    It is important to understand of benefits of continuous treatment. A single treatment will produce some benefits, however, these will not be long lasting. If you continue to receive regular treatment you will notice greater improvements which are longer lasting. The frequency will depend on your needs, free time and budget. A general outline is once a week for a specific problems, up to a maintenance of once a month.

    An average treatment takes about 45 minutes and costs £25 with Daiva.

    Find out how to book an appointment below!

    Thanks for reading and if you have any comments please leave them below.

  8. Take advantage of our new loyalty cards and get 50% off

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    You can now receive 50% off of any treatment with our new loyalty cards. Next time you visit Daiva, ask for a loyalty card and she will stamp your first treatment. Then each time you come for another treatment you can collect another stamp. Simply collect 4 stamps and then your fifth treatment will be half price!

    Have a look at the price list to see all of the treatments you could receive at half price!

  9. What you should know about waxing

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    Depilation is the removal of unwanted hair from the skin surface and it has become one of the modern woman’s regular routines. Delicate, landscaped skin looks good, feels good, and makes you feel more confident.

    Waxing is best for long-term hair removal. The hair will only grow back after 3-4 weeks and will start to grow less frequently and weaker the more often you have a waxing treatment. Unfortunately, the same can not be said about shaving creams or foams, where the hair grows back quicker. The waxing procedure is suitable for any type of skin, and any type of hair. Therefore waxing is perfect before a holiday in the sun!

    Waxing advantages compared to the electric epilators:

    • Saves time
    • Metal contact with the skin can cause an allergic reaction
    • Electric epilator can leave hair
    • Waxing over the long-term reduces the likelihood of ingrowing hair

    Probably the most unpleasant for all women is the bikini waxing. I’ll try to give some advice how to avoid unpleasant surprises before such intimate beauty treatments.

    1. Open mindedness. Clearly it can be an uncomfortable procedure to be half-naked in front of a strange woman who will be touching your private parts! Try to imagine your visit to the beauty therapist being similar to a visit to your gynaecologist and nothing more.
    2. Hair removal around the anus is painless. The difference with Hollywood waxing is that all hair is removed from front to back. Understandably you might be apprehensive about having the hair around your anus waxed but due to the lack of nerve endings in this area it will not be painful at all! So you can choose Hollywood style without fear.
    3. When to wax. The ideal hair length for efficient waxing is 5mm in length. Reaching this length of hair growth takes about a week for most people.
    4. 24-hour break from sports and sex. We should not ignore these rules in order to avoid a negative reaction after the procedure because the bikini area will be sensitive. Friction, sweat or other irritation may cause trouble.
    5. The inevitable stigma. Always the most horrible the first time. But know only one thing: You’re neither the first nor the last who has had the procedure. To feel better, talk with your beauty therapist about your fears. She is also a woman and knows how you feel. After the connection it will be easier to endure the procedure. Do not forget, the woman conducting the procedure takes confidentiality and ethics seriously.
    6. Destress with a shower or bath before. To remove tension before the procedure you can take a shower or bath. You will feel more confident and stress free, because you know that you are clean and smell good.
    7. Appropriate clothing. After the procedure the bikini area will be quite irritated, sensitive and some times, rarely, you may even feel a little pain. So pick cotton, sweat absorbing underwear and less formal and baggy clothes. Tight, skinny jeans are not very well suited in this situation.

    Aftercare Advice

    Immediately after waxing it is not recommended to bathe in a hot tub, lake, river, sea or swimming pool for at least 24 hours

    Do not rush to sunbathe or visit the solarium for at least 24 hours.

    No sex and active sport for at least 24 hours.

    Most women dream to kick off the warm clothes and proudly display their perfect skin. So do not hesitate and book an appointment with Daiva for your hair removal now!

  10. How to care for your skin in the spring

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    We are all excited about warm weather, but after a bit of winter we still feel tired and without energy. This is normal: our body’s resistance has significantly decreased over the winter and therefore require additional vitamins and minerals. Your skin may appear dry, dull and drab. At this time, when one day the sun is shinning and on another day the rain and wind is beating against us, your skin gets less blood supply and therefore it can dry out and start to itch.

    It is important to remember that the sun not only pleases us and helps with vitamin D generation, but contributes towards obvious signs of ageing; wrinkles and pigmentation spots. Consequently, additional care must be taken in the spring to protect against UV damage. Even healthy skin needs special care.

    So here’s some quick tips on how to care for your skin:

    1. Clean your skin every day with mild cleansers to remove the dirt that accumulates on your skin during the day. You should also clean off make-up in the evening in order to prepare the skin for the next morning.

    2. After cleaning your face skin, use an alcohol-free toner. It hydrates and refreshes the skin and also restores the skin’s pH and tightens pores.

    3. Once in a week, depending on skin type, use a good mask.

    4. Depending on the type of skin and any skin problems you might have – you might want to visit a beautician 1-2 times a month. Depending on your skin condition and the time of the year, your beautician will select and perform professional treatments suited for you.

    5. Depending on your age, if your under 25 then use a day cream, and if your over 25 then use day and night cream. An appropriate good day cream protects and moisturises the skin. Night cream will restore your skin cells during your sleep and it will nourish and rejuvenate your skin.

    6. If you have mature skin and you want fast and lasting results then you should use a concentrated serum along with your other creams.

    7. A healthy diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep and rest, sun protection and appropriate facial care products will help prevent your skin from prematurely ageing.

    Be happy, have shiny skin and a good mood for a good time into spring and summer.

    Happy spring! 🙂