What you should know about waxing

Depilation is the removal of unwanted hair from the skin surface and it has become one of the modern woman’s regular routines. Delicate, landscaped skin looks good, feels good, and makes you feel more confident.
Waxing is best for long-term hair removal. The hair will only grow back after 3-4 weeks and will start to grow less frequently and weaker the more often you have a waxing treatment. Unfortunately, the same can not be said about shaving creams or foams, where the hair grows back quicker. The waxing procedure is suitable for any type of skin, and any type of hair. Therefore waxing is perfect before a holiday in the sun!
Waxing advantages compared to the electric epilators:
- Saves time
- Metal contact with the skin can cause an allergic reaction
- Electric epilator can leave hair
- Waxing over the long-term reduces the likelihood of ingrowing hair
Probably the most unpleasant for all women is the bikini waxing. I’ll try to give some advice how to avoid unpleasant surprises before such intimate beauty treatments.
- Open mindedness. Clearly it can be an uncomfortable procedure to be half-naked in front of a strange woman who will be touching your private parts! Try to imagine your visit to the beauty therapist being similar to a visit to your gynaecologist and nothing more.
- Hair removal around the anus is painless. The difference with Hollywood waxing is that all hair is removed from front to back. Understandably you might be apprehensive about having the hair around your anus waxed but due to the lack of nerve endings in this area it will not be painful at all! So you can choose Hollywood style without fear.
- When to wax. The ideal hair length for efficient waxing is 5mm in length. Reaching this length of hair growth takes about a week for most people.
- 24-hour break from sports and sex. We should not ignore these rules in order to avoid a negative reaction after the procedure because the bikini area will be sensitive. Friction, sweat or other irritation may cause trouble.
- The inevitable stigma. Always the most horrible the first time. But know only one thing: You’re neither the first nor the last who has had the procedure. To feel better, talk with your beauty therapist about your fears. She is also a woman and knows how you feel. After the connection it will be easier to endure the procedure. Do not forget, the woman conducting the procedure takes confidentiality and ethics seriously.
- Destress with a shower or bath before. To remove tension before the procedure you can take a shower or bath. You will feel more confident and stress free, because you know that you are clean and smell good.
- Appropriate clothing. After the procedure the bikini area will be quite irritated, sensitive and some times, rarely, you may even feel a little pain. So pick cotton, sweat absorbing underwear and less formal and baggy clothes. Tight, skinny jeans are not very well suited in this situation.
Aftercare Advice
Immediately after waxing it is not recommended to bathe in a hot tub, lake, river, sea or swimming pool for at least 24 hours
Do not rush to sunbathe or visit the solarium for at least 24 hours.
No sex and active sport for at least 24 hours.
Most women dream to kick off the warm clothes and proudly display their perfect skin. So do not hesitate and book an appointment with Daiva for your hair removal now!
How to book an appointment with Daiva
You can either call Daiva to book on
07753 246990
or message her via her Facebook page.